I was sorry to learn that Professor Wolff died last night. He was, of course, well-known to readers of this blog for his many trenchant insights into contemporary events, to which I often linked, as well as his fascinating autobiography, to which we linked often a decade ago. Professor Wolff began his career as a Kant scholar, but became best-known as a political philosopher, with his classic defense of anarchism in 1970, and books on Marx and Rawls, among other figures and topics. He taught at the University of Chicago, Columbia University and, for most of his career, the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, first in the Philosophy Department and then in the Afro-American Studies Department. Comments are open for remembrances from those who knew Professor Wolff, or for those who wish to comment on the significance of his work. I am, as it happens, teaching Marx later this afternoon (a subject on which I learned much from Professor Wolff), but will add some comments of my own in the coming days.
UPDATE: An informative obituary here.