Below the fold is the complete list of evaluators who participated in the 2024 PGR, either in the overall rankings or the specialty rankings, and most often, both. Warm thanks to the roughly 240 philosophers who lent their expertise to this year's PGR.
Alznauer, Mark |
Andrews, Kristin |
Angle, Steve |
Ariew, Andre |
Barney, Rachel |
Baron, Sam |
Barrett, Jeffrey |
Barrett, Thomas |
Bengson, John |
Benjamin, Eva |
Bennett, Karen |
Bermudez, Jose |
Bernecker, Sven |
Bickle, John |
Bix, Brian |
Block, Ned |
Bobonich, Chris |
Boghossian, Paul |
Bommarito, Nic |
Boyle, Matt |
Braddon-Mitchell, David |
Bradford, Gwen |
Brennan, Tad |
Brooks, Thom |
Bruner, Justin |
Brunero, John |
Buchak, Lara |
Buckwalter, Wesley |
Callender, Craig |
Carruthers, Peter |
Caston, Victor |
Chan, Eddy |
Chignell, Andrew |
Church, Ian |
Clarke-Doane, Justin |
Cohen, Jonathan |
Comesena, Juan |
Copenhaver, Becko |
Corlett, J. Angelo |
Crisp, Roger |
Crowell, Steven |
Cumpa, Javier |
Danks, David |
Della Rocca, Michael |
Dewar, Neil |
Doris, John |
Dorsey, Dale |
Dorst, Kevin |
Downing, Lisa |
Dror, Lidal |
Easwaran, Kenny |
Fabre, Cecile |
Fantl, Jeremy |
Favela, Luis |
Festenstein, Matthew |
Fraser, Rachel |
Frick, Johann |
Gallow, Dmitri |
Ganeri, Jornadon |
Garrett, Don |
Gill, Michael |
Gillies, Anthony |
Giudice, Michael |
Glanzberg, Michael |
Gomez-Lavin, Javier |
Grant, James |
Greco, Dan |
Greco, John |
Grimm, Stephen |
Gross, Steven |
Guerrero, Alex |
Halbach, Volker |
Handfield, Toby |
Hardimon, Michael |
Harte, Verity |
Hartmann, Stephan |
Hazlett, Allan |
Heisenberg, Thimo |
Hellie, Benjamin |
Helton, Grace |
Hill, Christopher |
Hitchcock, Christopher |
Holliday, Wesley |
Hopkins, Robert |
Horsten, Leon |
Horty, John |
Houlgate, Stephen |
Huddleston, Andrew |
Hutteger, Simon |
Isaacs, Tracy |
Ismael, Jenann |
Jackman, Henry |
Jenkins, Scott |
Jeshion, Robin |
Johansen, Thomas |
Jones, Nicholas K. |
Joyce, Jim |
Kagan, Shelly |
Kail, Peter |
Katsafanas, Paul |
Kaufman, Dan |
Keller, Pierre |
Kim, Hannah |
Kim, Hyunseop |
King, Jeffrey |
Klein, Alex |
Kolodny, Niko |
Kramer, Matthew |
Kriegel, Uriah |
Lamarque, Peter |
Laskowski, Nick |
Leboeuf, Celine |
LeBuffe, Michael |
Lederman, Harvey |
Lee, Mi-Kyoung |
Leftow, Brian |
Leiter, Brian |
LePore, Ernest |
Levy, Arnon |
Lin, Martin |
Lloyd, Elisabeth |
Loewer, Barry |
Lopes, Dominic |
Lorenzini, Daniele |
Love, Alan |
Ludlow, Peter |
Machery, Edouard |
Mares, Edwin |
Mccain, Kevin |
McCann, Edwin |
McGrath, Matt |
McLaughlin, Brian |
McNulty, Jacob |
Melamed, Yitzhak |
Mele, Alfred |
Mierzewski, Krzysztof |
Miller, Alex |
Misak, Cheryl |
Montague, Michelle |
Morrison, John |
Moss, Jessica |
Muldoon, Ryan |
Murphy, Colleen |
Murphy, Mark |
Nanay, Bence |
Nebel, Jake |
Nelson, Alan |
Neta, Ram |
Ney, Alyssa |
Nolan, Daniel |
Norcross, Alastair |
North, Jill |
Norton, John |
O'Connor, Brian |
O'Connor, Timothy |
Okasha, Samir |
Oppy, Graham |
Pagin, Peter |
Pallikkathayil, Japa |
Palmer, Clare |
Penner, James |
Pereboom, Derk |
Phillips, Ian |
Piccinini, Gualtiero |
Pickard, Hanna |
Pitt, David |
Plunkett, David |
Prescott-Couch, Alexander |
Pritchard, Duncan |
Proops, Ian |
Raffman, Diana |
Rescorla, Michael |
Risse, Mathias |
Robins, Sarah |
Rodriguez-Blanco, Veronica |
Rodriguez-Pereyra, Gonzalo |
Rosen, Michael |
Rumfitt, Ian |
Rupert, Robert |
Russell, Paul |
Salkin, Wendy |
Salmon, Nathan |
Salow, Bernhard |
Sankey, Howard |
Schear, Joseph |
Schechter, Elizabeth |
Schmidtz, David |
Schramme, Thomas |
Schwitzgebel, Eric |
Sciaraffa, Stefan |
Shafer-Landau, Russ |
Shea, Nick |
Shields, Christopher |
Sider, Ted |
Silverman, Allan |
Simpson, Robert |
Singpurwalla, Rachel |
Skyrms, Brian |
Smeenk, Chris |
Sosa, David |
Sosa, Ernest |
Spencer, Jack |
Staffel, Julia |
Stainton, Robert |
Stalnaker, Aaron |
Stanford, Kyle |
Stich, Stephen |
Stilz, Anna |
Stoljar, Daniel |
Stump, Eleonore |
Sytsma, Justin |
Talisse, Robert |
Tekin, Serife |
Thomson, Iain |
Thrasher, John |
Tiwald, Justin |
Trout, J.D. |
Tye, Michael |
Valentni, Laura |
van Inwagen, Peter |
van Norden, Bryan |
Vargas, Manuel |
Veres, Máté |
Viehoff, Daniel |
Vogt, Katja |
Wallace, David |
Warfield, Ted |
Warnke, Georgia |
Watkins, Eric |
Weatherall, James |
Weithman, Paul |
Westra, Evan |
Wiland, Eric |
Williams, Thomas |
Williamson, Timothy |
Wilson, Jessica |
Winsberg, Eric |
Wuthrich, Christian |
Zalabardo, Jose |
Zimmerman, Dean |
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