The PGR has been lucky to have many eminent senior philosophers as long-time evaluators--Ned Block, Timothy Williamson, Stephen Stich, Brian Skyrms, Ernest Sosa, Peter Carruthers, Shelly Kagan, among many others--but as Professors Kar and Pynes began planning for the 2024 PGR, I emphasized that it was important for the longterm viability of the PGR to involve a new generation of younger philosophers in the evaluation process. With the help of the Advisory Board, they succeeded remarkably well. Among the first-time evaluators this time around were Jake Nebel, Hannah Kim, Celina Leboeuf, Dmitri Gallow, Rachel Fraser, Jack Spencer, Nicholas K. Jones, Harvey Lederman, Sarah Robins, Daniel Viehoff, Kevin Dorst, Wendy Salkin, Javier Cumpa, Lidal Dror, Thimo Heisenberg, Daniele Lorenzini, Jake McNulty, Eddy Chan, Nick Laskowski, Hyunseop Kim, Ryan Muldoon, and Nic Bommarito, among others (and with apologies to those I no doubt missed in skimming the list of evaluators). Warm thanks to these younger philosophes for lending their expertise.
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