I appreciate the generous response to the post the other day about the Marx book. Yesterday, the book was in the top 15,000 on Amazon, and briefly in the top five "philosophy" books (which is dominated by classic works by Plato, Aristotle etc.). Thanks to those who bought a copy and to all those who shared the post on Twitter.
I hope readers will write with their reactions. Many books in the Routledge Philosophers series are already in second editions, so reader feedback will be helpful if and when we get to the point of updating the volume. (For those curious, I explained how we ended up writing the volume here.)
Meanwhile, in Twitter land, a graduate student at Oxford, Kenneth Novis, who works on Spinoza but advertises himself as a fan of "French and Italian Marxism", contributed this review based on not reading the book:
Unfortunately for Mr. Novis, this little outburst got retweeted (not favorably) by a more prominent account, which is how I ended up seeing it. What a powerful advertisement for Mr. Novis's scholarly maturity and sober judgment--he will have to set Professor Leopold at Oxford straight! As to what Mr. Novis's real greivance is, that's between him and his therapist. But Twitter is invaluable for exposing people like this.
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