A young philosopher, teaching at a rural two-year college campus, writes:
I have taught retired police officers, future truck drivers, berry farmers, Wal-Mart employees — largely working-class folk. (They were, on the whole, wonderful students. It was a pleasure to be their teacher.) Perhaps unsurprisingly, discussion often turned to issues in, or about, the workplace. I was, and I remain, woefully unfamiliar with this area of philosophy.
I am hoping you and your readers might have some suggestions for resources in: the philosophy of work and labor, the philosophy of bureaucracy, alienation, the philosophy of the corporation and its nature, Taylorism, Fordism, etc.
I am familiar with Marx's early political writings, especially his anthropology and its role in his arguments about alienation, and with Elizabeth Anderson's book, Private Government. I am mostly looking for resources I could use for teaching, such as readers, collections of essays, or stray essays. But suggestions for my own edification would be welcome, too.
Comments are open for reader suggestions.