Johnathan Bi, a graduate of Columbia University who loves philosophy and 'great books,' has put together a very professionally done set of videos about "the Western Canon" (here's his introuction to the series). Here's the first of two long interviews Mr. Bi did with me, this one on Nietzsche and free will. I was impressed by the care with Mr. Bi had read my books, and enjoyed the conversation with him, and I hope others will too. (Mr. Bi has also recorded a lecture on the Genealogy, which draws in part on my reading of Nietzsche. I haven't watched all of this one, however.) Among other interviews coming in this series will be conversations with Frederick Neuhosuer on Rousseau, Katharina Volk on Roman philosophy and politics in the age of Caesar and Cicero, and Stephen Greenblatt on Shakespeare, among others.
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