I've received four different referee requests in the space of two days this week (two legal philosophy related, two Nietzsche related), and have had to decline them all, as I have an outstanding referee report that is now a couple of days late (plus, on the quarter system, the big grading crush is coming up imminently). It's pretty rare to get so many requests at the same time, but it does make me wonder how much refereeing tenured faculty are doing in a given year--by which I mean, refereeing journal articles (not book proposals etc.). We had a thread on this topic back in 2009, and it might be interested to see if anything has changed. Please use a real email address, but instead of your name, just describe your position, e.g., "Full Professor for 20 years at R1 university," "Associate Professor, recently promoted, liberal arts college," "Full Professor, liberal arts college with heavy teaching load," "Associate Professor, state university," etc.
UPDATE: A commenter, below, suggested a poll might be more informative, so here goes. Respond to the poll only if you get asked to referee papers.
AFTER ABOUT 2 1/2 HOURS AND 200+ VOTES: here are some preliminary results: