You can see the remarkable program for the event organized by Ernie LePore here: Davidson, Quine, Putnam, Kripke, Kim, Higginbotham, Dummett, Hacking, Antony, Tennant, McGinn, Bennett, Follesdal, Tye, Jackson, Chisholm, Harman, Johnston, Elster, Tversky, Bratman, Jeffrey, Grandy, Levi, Rovane, Bilgrami, Peacocke, A. Baier, Schiffer, Sosa, Lycan, McDowell, van Fraassen and many others. The resulting two volumes of papers from the conference were essential books for those of us doing PhD work in the late 1980s, which was peak Davidson time in analytic philosophy. (Davidson is less influential now, it seems to me, except perhaps in philosophy of action where the "Davidsonian" paradigm remains highly influential.) About five years after this conference, Rutgers catapulted into the top ranks of Anglophone philosophy programs with the appointments of Jerry Fodor and Stephen Stich.
Comments are open for recollections of the event, or reflections on how Davidson's ideas have fared over time.