The James Gang was Joe Walsh's first band in the late 1960s and early 1970s, perhaps best-known for the brilliant Rides Again album of 1970, one of the best rock/blues albums of a very good year for such albums.* Their less successful 1969 debut concludes with their version of a Ragovoy/Shuman number recorded by a number of acts in the 1960s, but this is, for my money, the best version, which then evolves into a long jam:
Feel free to add links to your favorite James Gang numbers, studio or live, in the comments. (I first posted this song in January 2018, but it appears that version has disappeared from YouTube.)
*Other very good albums in that genre from 1970 include Black Sabbath's debut album and Paranoid; The Who's Live at Leeds; the debut from Cactus; Mountain's debut, Climbing; Grand Funk Railroard's Closer to Home; Deep Purple in Rock; The Doors, Morrison Hotel, Allman Brothers' Idlewild South, and Free's Fire and Water. The Sabbath debut album was probably the best of the year, but Rides Again has a claim on being #2 in the blues/rock genre.