Not surprising, but he also has some pretty substantive and fair criticisms in my view. From Williamson's conclusion:
Contemporary analytic philosophy has plenty to offer other disciplines, as its track
record of inter-disciplinary interaction shows. It will have even more to offer other disciplines
if it gets better at answering its own questions. There is plenty of room for methodological
improvement. Some of what Kitcher says is salutary in that respect, for instance: learn more
about modern evolutionary theory before you try to apply it. But most of his
recommendations would make philosophy worse: more anxious to imitate the neighbours and
impress the general public, and so with less to contribute of its own. That is not exactly his
intention, but as a pragmatist he should stand ready to be judged by his polemic’s
consequences in practice.
Curious to hear thoughts from readers after they read Williamson's review.