Here is where the current untenured tenure-track faculty in philosophy at the top twenty U.S. programs got their Ph.D. (or D.Phil.):
1. Harvard University (10)
2. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (7)
2. New York University (7)
4. Yale University (5)
5. Princeton University (4)
5. Rutgers University, New Brunswick (4)
5. University of California, Berkeley (4)
8. Columbia University (3)
9. Oxford University (2) (both at Southern California)
9. University of Chicago (2) (both Columbia/Barnard)
9. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (2)
9. University of Southern California (2) (both at Michigan)
These programs each had one graduate on tenure-track at the top twenty programs: CUNY, U Mass/Amherst, UC Irvine, Buffalo, British Columbia, Indiana, DePaul, UC Riverside, Harvard Government Dept., Toronto, Potsdam, Cambridge, UC San Diego, Texas, Brown, Stanford, Cornell, Pittsburgh, Penn.
The 2022-23 list is here, and the 2019-20 list is here.
I list the Ph.D. by the school at which they are teaching below the fold:
NYU: Harvard, MIT, Berkeley
Rutgers: Harvard, CUNY
Princeton: MIT, Harvard, NYU, Rutgers
Pittsburgh: NYU, Yale, Columbia, Toronto, UC Irvine
Michigan: Indiana, USC, USC, DePaul
Yale: Princeton, Harvard, Columbia
Harvard: Michigan, UC Riverside, Harvard Government, MIT
MIT: Yale, MIT
Berkeley: Harvard, Rutgers, Princeton, Rutgers
USC: Princeton, U Mass/Amherst, Oxford, Buffalo, Oxford, British Columbia
CUNY: Yale
Columbia/Barnard: Harvard, Berkeley, Chicago, Chicago
Stanford: NYU, Berkeley, Harvard, NYU
North Carolina: UC San Diego, Texas, Princeton, MIT
Notre dame: Cambridge, Brown, Rutgers, NYU
Texas: Michigan, Columbia
Brown: NYU, MIT, Yale, Harvard
Cornell: Berkeley
UC San Diego: Western Ontario, Penn, Harvard
Chicago: Potsdam, Stanford, Yale, Pittsburgh, Harvard, Cornell, MIT
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