Longtime reader S. Wallerstein, another man of the actual left in Chile, writes (a propos yesterday's post):
I have a friend, a feminist academic, with the equivalent of a tenured position in a Chilean university of excellent academic quality. She has been a feminist activist since I met her 40 years ago, long before feminism became fashionable, during the Pinochet dictatorship when it was, if not exactly dangerous, at least not profitable.
She complains about how woke the students and younger generation of feminists are, on how they emphasize trans rights as somehow more important than the issues that she is concerned with, unequal pay, unequal distribution of household work and childcare, domestic violence, abortion rights. etc., on how intersectionality dictates that her concerns as a middle class white feminist are seen as trivial compared to the concerns of women from racial minorities, even though most Chilean women undoubtedly see themselves as white and have more or less the same concerns as she does.
The pressures to conform are not as strong as those in the U.S., but woke is very present.
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