So with not quite 1,000 participants, and nearly 90,000 votes on comparisons cast, here are the top 25 (the score in parentheses reflects the odds of the journal prevailing in a comparison):
1. Philosophical Review (89)
2. Nous (87)
3. Philosophy & Phenomenological Research (86)
4. Mind (85)
5. Journal of Philosophy (84)
6. Australasian Journal of Philosophy (75)
7. Philosophical Studies (74)
8. Philosopher's Imprint (73)
9. Philosophical Quarterly (69)
10. Analysis (65)
11. Synthese (62)
12. Canadian Journal of Philosophy (54)
12. Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society (54)
14. Ergo (51)
14. Erkenntnis (51)
16. European Journal of Philosophy (49)
16. Pacific Philosophical Quarterly (49)
18. American Philosophical Quarterly (48)
19. Journal of the American Philosophical Association (46)
20. Inquiry (40)
21. Philosophical Perspectives (39)
22. The Monist (37)
23. Thought (36)
24. Philosophical Issues (33)
25. Philosophical Topics (30)
25. Ratio (30)
One error of omission was Analytic Philosophy, which might well have made the top 25 (as it did in 2018). You can see the 2018 results here. Online surveys probably have a slight bias in favor of online journals, like Philosopher's Imprint and, more recently, Ergo, although the former has been clearly among the top ten for quite some time now, and justfiably so it seems to me. Constructive comments/observations about the results are welcome.