MOVING TO FRONT, ORIGINALLY POSTED FEBRUARY 27--MANY VERY INTERESTING COMMENTS (see, e.g., 2, 7, 10, 11, 18, 33, 3, 38, 41, among others)
Perhaps if Russia is losing, sanctions are hurting: see this and this by two different political science professors. What is already a bad situation could get disastrously bad if Russia were to use a nuclear weapon in Ukraine. Recall Nixon contemplated the use nuclear weapons in Vietnam, and U.S. military leaders contemplated using nuclear weapons during the Korean War. Note that Ukraine is far more important to Russia than either Vietnam or South Korea were to the U.S.
Meanwhile, philosopher Paul Russell (UBC/Lund) calls my attention to information about how readers can help the Urkainians.
Comments are open for links to similar sites about Ukrainian aid, or more information/perspectives on the nuclear risks.
ADDENDUM: Here's a related piece on the nuclear issue. And this analysis is useful on the actual state of the invasion so far.