An intelligent discussion of "systemic racism"
Dominic Berry is drawing a line!
The "Anti-Kathleen Stock" letter is full of mistakes, fact-free speculation and misleading innuendo
Where (untenured) tenure-track faculty at the U.S. "top 24" PhD programs in 2020-21 got their PhD
The real worry about the stormtrooper riot at the Capitol lasts week is what it portends
Graduate students afraid to support the open letter on academic freedom
How the Wokerati talk: a guide
On being the victim of a stalker, and then being defamed for the stalker's crime
America is doomed, part 499: The Republican Party is even crazier now than before Trump
More mischief afoot at Bogazici University in Istanbul
Norms for job-hunting by faculty recently hired into tenure-track
Academic freedom does not include lawful extramural speech at the University of New Hampshire
The inflation of "bullying," a continuing saga
Condescension from below watch: Matt Taibbi edition
University of Liverpool is a disgrace
"Defund the police" drove voters to Trump
Twitter as symptom of the end of writing (and thinking)
Some further thoughts on Twitter
Approaches to affirmative action/diversity hiring: the poll results
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