Professor Christopher Pynes, co-editor of the PGR, has shared with me the FINAL draft of the faculty lists for the 2021 PGR, on which he welcomes feedback not later than September 27 (his contact information is on the draft, and please direct all questions and comments to him): Download PGR faculty fall 2021 ALL Departments 18September2021_V5. Only faculty in the departments should email Professor Pynes about changes that need to be made. The faculty lists aim to include those with a tenure home in the philosophy department, with all others involved in training graduate students listed as "cognate" faculty. "Part-time" faculty are half time, unless otherwise noted.
Note that some programs have been added to the faculty lists for purposes of the 2021 survey. And a reminder that the editors have, for this new survey, decided to only note with an asterisk faculty over the age of 75 in the fall following the report (so fall 2022). There has been a clear change in retirement patterns over the last decade, so that faculty who are still teaching at 70 are mostly still teaching at 75, but those still teaching at 75 are rarely teaching at 80. So being 75 is far more relevant now than merely being 70,which seems to me right.
Professor Pynes tells me that the plan is to launch the survey around October 1, and that it will run for approximately three weeks. Initial results will be posted here starting in the second or third week of November.
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