MOVING TO FRONT FROM SEPTEMBER 13: The papers are now available at the PA website.
Here are the papers recognized this year:
Brad Armendt (Arizona State), “Causal Decision Theory and Decision Instability,” from the Journal of Philosophy
Maegan Fairchild (Michigan), “The Barest Flutter of the Smallest Leaf: Understanding Material Plenitude,” from the Philosophical Review
Øystein Linnebo (Oslo) and Stewart Shapiro (Ohio State), “Actual and Potential Infinity,” from Noûs
Jon McGinnis (Missouri/St. Louis), “A Continuation of Atomism: Shahrastānī on the Atom and Continuity,” from the Journal of the History of Philosophy
Jennifer M. Morton (North Carolina) and Sarah K. Paul (NYU-Abu Dhabi), “Grit,” from Ethics
Jessica Moss (NYU) and Whitney Schwab (Maryland/Baltimore County), “The Birth of Belief,” from the Journal of the History of Philosophy
Sarah Moss (Michigan), “Full Belief and Loose Speech,” from the Philosophical Review
C. Thi Nguyen (Utah), “Games and the Art of Agency,” from the Philosophical Review
Susanna Rinard (Harvard), “Equal Treatment for Belief,” from Philosophical Studies
Anat Schechtman (Wisconsin), “Three Infinities in Early Modern Philosophy,” from Mind
I'm pleased to see more history of philosophy papers this year.
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