Here is philosopher Udo Schuklenk (Queen's/Canada) declaring that "no serious academic would...lend their time to" the PGR.
You can see a complete list of the several hundred "unserious" academics who "lend their time" to the PGR: it includes Brian Skyrms, Anthony Appiah, Ernest Sosa, Penelope Maddy, Cristina Bicchieri, Paul Guyer, Timothy Williamson, John Hawthorne, Alex Byrne, Gregory Currie, Martha Nussbaum, Terence Irwin, Jennifer Lackey, Cheryl Misak, Calvin Normore, Ian Rumfitt, Carolina Sartorio, Susanna Siegel, Allen Wood: "no serious academics"!
It's even more remarkable that Professor Skyrms could be elected to the National Academy of Sciences despite being unable "to evaluate empirical evidence or survey methods." Go figure?
Joking aside, it is remarkable how sour grapes leaves some philosophers completely un-self-aware.
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