The incompetent monster-child declared himself a "wartime President," and indeed he is. And thus when the war is over, it will be time for war crimes trials. Here is an initial useful accounting; Dr. Redfield of the CDC and Dr. Hahn of the FDA will have a lot to answer for, even if their incompetence doesn't rise to the level of a capital crime. Trump, himself, is a different matter: his failure to lead has killed and will kill thousands of people (and see also). (Lets not forget that Trump is also exacting political revenge by denying help to citizens of states whose governors he doesn't like.) Someone who should probably join Trump on the gallows--only after a thorough and fair trial, of course--is the absurd Jared Kushner.
This article is correct that the pandemic has revealed the profound dysfunction of the American polity at the national level (and at some state levels). The blame for that has to be laid at the door of Reagan's repeal of the "fairness doctrine" which prevented propaganda outlets like Rush Limbaugh and Fox News from occupying the public airwaves. So a suitable war crimes trial should alsto put Roger Ailes on the docket posthumously, and try Sean Hannity et al. for crimes against humanity (and decency).
UPDATE: It looks like the evidence is in, Hannity is heading for the gallows too!
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