More on whether evolution really selects for veridical perception
Philosopher Jamie Edwards (St. Norbert) interviewed
A documentary about Paul Robeson
Philosophical Gourmet Report, 2019-20
Berggruen decides philosophers aren't really worth $1 million after all
Letters of recommendation are essential
Philosophy graduate student at Berkeley gratuitously (and rather stupidly) insults rural Americans
What are cover letters for? (Do's and don't's)
Where untenured tenure-track faculty got their PhD at the U.S. "top 20" programs
A "mathematical proof" that "diversity trumps ability" turns out to be more diversity blather
Best introductory texts to: metaphysics and/or epistemology; philosophy of science (and the sciences); moral philosophy; political philosophy
How does Berkeley evaluate "diversity" statements from faculty candidates?
Marshall Cohen (USC) on his Harvard classmate Stanley Cavell
Historians interviewed about the NYT "1619 Project": James McPherson, Gordon Wood, James Oakes
The latest attack on freedom of thought and inquiry in academic philosophy
Do philosophical intuitions vary across demographic groups? Knobe v. Machery & Stich
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