The NYU/Ronell saga: a new revelation
Claremont Graduate University shuts its philosophy department, fires two tenured faculty
Top 50 universities by membership in the National Academy of Sciences, 2018
Most pressing issues confronting the philosophy profession in America currently
$20 million gift to UCLA philosophy
Marx, "cultural" Marxism, identity politics, our capitalist future
Do young philosophers really need to be on social media for professional reasons?
Philosopher's Annual announces "ten best" articles of 2017
Avital Ronell affair makes New York Times, which adds new details to the case
Latest developments in the Ronell case
Another set of updates on L'Affaire Ronell
Today in 'Avital in Wonderland'
The New Yorker piece on the Ronell case
Should scholarly journals permit use of the word "TERF"?
Literary scholar Marjorie Perloff on the Ronell case
'Complete and utter dickhead' watch: social media edition
Philosophical views changing after taking medications for mental health issues?
Jordan Peterson, libel, Kate Manne, and the dishonest weasel Jonathan Ichikawa
Statement by Professor Stock about the APA blog and the behavior of one of its editors
2018-19 update to the 2017 PGR's top U.S. programs: changes to the tenured faculties
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