Adriel Trott (Wabash) apparently has no shame. Note that this hypocrite is also involved with the APA Blog! (Perhaps unsurprisingly, Prof. Trott is giving this audacious lecture at a meeting of the SPEP Advocacy Committee.)
I put "harassment" in quotes for the obvious reason: Trott conflates actual harassment, such as death threats, with on-line "trolling" and no doubt any criticism, at least of her friends and tastes. Her essay really isn't about harassment, but another tired attempt to whitewash suppression of the views she doesn't like--hence this bit of self-serving blather: "Only such community projects [like the APA Blog!] can resist posts that draw in traffic and do real [sic] harm by discussing experiences and identities of marginalized groups in philosophically abstract and distant tones as if people’s lives are puzzles." In her world, the 'harassment' of Professor Tuvel is, no doubt, a model of good community behavior!
(Thanks to several readers who sent this nonsense along.)
UPDATE: Just to drive home the point that the word 'harassment' doesn't mean anything, we have (who else?) Nathan Oseroff tweeting this morning as follows:
Nathan Oseroff @nathanoseroff
Can't wait to hear all the established philosophers say they stand with
@AdrielTrott after she was harassed by a philosopher after she gave a talk about harassment in philosophy.
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