MOVING TO FRONT--ORIGINALLY POSTED OCTOBER 12: I'd love to hear from more readers in the "other" fields. I'm fascinated and flattered to have such a diverse group of readers, and enjoy hearing about your different areas of expertise. Many thanks.
Thanks to the nearly 2200 readers who participated in the poll; here are the results:
Compared to the survey two years ago (which did not get as many responses, however), there has been a slight decline (62% to 59%) in the percentage of philosophy readers, and a clear increase (14% to 18%) in non-academic readers. This would fit with one hypothesis I have about the increase in readership, which started after the New York Times ran a front-page story about "L'Affaire Ronell" which included a link to this blog. But I'll do a separate poll on that question at a later date.
So 59% of readers are connected to academic philosophy; 8% to other humanities fields; 7% to social science fields; 5% to natural science fields; and 4% to my other academic field, law. I'd be curious to hear from readers about the "other" humanities, social science, and natural science fields. You don't need to post with your full name. Thanks.