Authors and/or publishers kindly sent me these new books this month:
On Truth by Simon Blackburn (Oxford University Press, 2018).
The Monarachy of Fear: A Philosopher Looks at our Political Crisis by Martha C. Nussbaum (Simon & Schuster, 2018).
Technic and Magic: The Reconstructino of Reality by Federico Campagna (Bloomsbury Academic, 2018).
Sextus Empiricus: Against Those in the Disciplines trans. with introduction & notes by Richard Bett (Oxford University Press, 2018).
Animals: A History edited by Peter Adamson & G. Fay Edwards (Oxford Philosophical Concept, Oxford University Press, 2018).
The Geography of Insight: The Sciences, the Humainties, How They Differ, Why They Matter by Richard Foley (Oxford University Press, 2018).
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