The full results for the 2017-18 Philosophical Gourmet Report, will appear online soon. Here is a preview of the top eight programs for Metaphysics. For additional PGR related updates, click the PGR Update link.
Group 1 (1-2) (rounded mean of 5.0) (median, mode)
New York University (5, 5)
Rutgers University, New Brunswick (5, 5)
University of Southern California (4.5, 4)
Group 3 (4-8) (rounded mean of 4.0) (median, mode)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) (4, 3.5)
Oxford University (4.5, 5)
Princeton University (4, 4)
University of Notre Dame (4, 4)
University of Virginia (4, 3.5 & 4)
Group 4 (9-20) (rounded mean of 3.5)
Group 4 will be provided on the new Philosophical Gourmet Report site hosted by Wiley-Blackwell.
Group 5 (rounded mean of 3.0)
Group 5 will be provided on the new Philosophical Gourmet Report site hosted by Wiley-Blackwell.
Evaluators: John Bengson, Alexander Bird, David Braddon-Mitchell, Bill Brewer, Javier Cumpa, Shamik Dasgupta, John Hawthorne, Benjamin Hellie, Robin Jeshion, Dan Kaufman, Uriah Kriegel, Bernard Linsky, Matt McGrath, Friederike Moltmann, Daniel Nolan, Timothy O'Connor, David Pitt, Michael Della Rocca, Joseph Salerno, Nathan Salmon, Carolina Sartorio, Ted Sider, Susanna Siegel, Ernest Sosa, Robert Stainton, Charles Travis, Gabriel Uzquiano, Timothy Williamson, Christian Wuthrich, Jose Zalabardo, Dean Zimmerman.
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