...a reader who requests anonymity writes with this surprising discovery:
You may well have been aware of this and I have simply missed it in the threads, but I thought it worth drawing your attention to the following article:http://www.feministcurrent.com/2017/05/03/hypatia-throws-critical-thought-window-name-feminist-philosophy/ [link now fixed]This article includes the following statement:"It is also worth noting that Cressida Heyes, a philosophy professor at the University of Alberta, who is the Canada Research Chair in Philosophy of Gender and Sexuality, and is the member of Hypatia’s editorial board who wrote the apology (and publicly denounced the article on her personal Facebook page [a page that is no longer available]), is referenced by Tuvel, who criticizes Heyes’ work on transracialism and transgenderism in her article."If true, this seems extraordinary. Either the editor knew their work was criticised and so should have recused themselves from any decision OR they didn't know (because they didn't read the article at all/read it closely enough) and so should have recused themselves from any decision.
I am not opening comments on this, as I have too many threads to moderate and I do not want to encourage a "piling on" of Prof. Heyes. But if any readers have further information about this (e.g., that the facts are not accurately described), please e-mail me and I will post updates. If Prof. Heyes has a response, I will also post that.
ADDENDUM: For those interested, the discussion and criticism of Heye's work occupies much of p. 269 of the Tuvel article (Heyes denies that transracialism and transgenderism are analogous, so her view is the opposite of Tuvel's).
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