Here were some of the most poular posts for the third quarter of the year:
Not assigning Professor Pogge's work because of evidence of his misconduct towards women? (July)
Police killings in America: a somewhat different view (July)
How should a history of sexual harassment/misconduct factor into hiring decisions? (July)
Some interesting facts (July)
How are journal editors chosen? (July)
The voters have spoken, at least here (July)
Philosopher's Annual: Best Papers of 2015 (August)
Gardner on "'public shaming and exile' for errant philosophers" (August)
Good news: Crispin Sartwell reinstated by Dickinson College (August)
Where UNTENURED tenure-track faculty at the "top 20" PhD programs in the U.S. got their PhD, 2016-17 edition (September)
The latest from Prof. Stevens at Northwestern about the investigation of her conduct (September) (this includes links to other posts about this strange incident)
The latest capitalist defense of the "liberal arts"--and what all this really means (September)
On an irony about the evolution of "standpoint epistemology" (September)
Another keynote speaker rebuked (not as badly) at the Society for Christian Philosophers midwest meeting (September)
There are about 10,000 philosophy professors in the U.S.... (September) (I bet Scott Soames will get a National Humanities Medal now!)
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