Reader James O'Connor writes:
I've noticed you had a couple of good quotes sent in on the Trump global catastrophe. Much of WB Yeats' explicitly political stuff has something applicable and insightful in this case, but I thought I'd share a few:
"Things fall apart, the centre cannot hold; mere anarchy is loosed upon the world."
"And what rough beast,
its hour come round at last,
slouches towards [Washington] to be born?"
(both from The Second Coming)
"They must to keep their certainty
accuse all that are different of a base intent; pull down established honour, hawk for news whatever their loose phantasy invent"
(from The Leaders of the Crowd)
And my own favourite:
"We have fed the heart on fantasies,
the heart's grown brutal from the fare, more substance in our enmities than in our love"
(from The Stare's Nest by my Window)
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