I apologize for doing less philosophy-related blogging lately, but the gallows does indeed "concentrate" one's mind. I will return to pertinent philosophy-related news, though given the catastrophe in the U.S., I have less appetite for commenting on the ridiculous American Philosophical Association, the posturing, preening wankers in our "profession," my stalkers etc. What we are up against now is deadly serious and frightening, notwithstanding the fact that there is no reason to think most Americans support Trump. That hardly matters. What matters is that Trump and his fascist allies are, or are about to be, in power. But I realize that we may survive this, and that students and faculty are still looking for information relevant to planning their academic affairs, and other readers are looking for interesting philosophy-related material and the like, so I will resume relevant posting and I am committed to finish the academic year 2016-17 with philosophy-related blogging. I will continue to offer some political news and commentary as well, but not as frequent as since the electoral catastrophe. Thanks for reading.
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