Following up on this post, and once again taking account of faculty changes since the fall 2014 PGR, here's an attempted update of the top (3.5 or higher) programs for Mathematical Logic for 2016-17, again by rough "clusters" of peer programs:
Group 1 (1-3)
Carnegie-Mellon University
Harvard University
City University of New York Graduate Center
Group 2 (4-9)
New York University
Princeton University
Oxford Universityy
Ohio State University
University of Bristol
University of California, Berkeley
Group 3 (10-19)
Columbia University (incl. Barnard)
Cornell University
Massachussetts Institute of Technology
Stanford University
University of California, Irvine
University of California, Los Angeles
University of Leeds
University of Melbourne
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
University of Notre Dame
(Note that the ANU, Monash, and Pittsburgh were close to Group 3.)
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