Following up on this post, and once again taking account of faculty changes since the fall 2014 PGR, here's an attempted update of the top (3.5 or higher) programs for Philosophy of Art for 2016-17, again by rough "clusters" of peer programs:
Group 1 (1-5)
City University of New York Graduate Center
New York University
University of British Columbia
University of St Andrews/University of Stirling Joint Program
University of York
Group 2 (6-10)
Brown University
Columbia University (incl. Barnard)
University of Auckland
University of Leeds
University of Maryland, College Park
Birkbeck College, University of London
McGill University
Princeton University
Stanford University
University of Manchester
University of Texas, Austin
University of Warwick
(Note: Michigan was close to Group 3 [I think it was underrated in 2014, and should be at least in Group 2]; also take note of the programs not evaluated in 2014 but that were viewed as worth recommending by the Advisory Board" Buffalo, Temple, Hull, Oklahoma & Southampton. Stanford's presence on the list is due primarily to a part-time visiting appointment of the distinguished philosopher of art, Kendall Walton--students should make sure that appointment is continuing.)
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