Following up on this post, and once again taking account of faculty changes since the fall 2014 PGR, it's not clear any update of the top (3.5 or higher) programs for History of Analytic Philosophy (incl. Wittgenstein) for 2016-17 is needed. Perhaps Irvine would now be in Group 1, but that's about it. This is an area with huge fault lines, so bear that in mind, and look at medians and modes as well. There is, crudely, the "Drebenized" view of the history of analytic philosophy and then the view of the history of analytic philosophy by those who very much think of themselves as still doing analytic philosophy. Programs in something like the first group would include Harvard, Indiana, Stanford, Chicago, Illinois/Chicago and Pittsburgh, among others; programs in something like the second group would include Brown, Oxford, UCLA, Texas, NYU, and USC, among others. I'm happy for experts--signed comments, full name and valid e-mail address required--to correct my perception, or to add nuance to it.