From the editors (I've added institutional affiliations--big year for Wisconsin and USC!):
We are pleased to announce this year's final selection:
The Philosopher’s Annual volume 35
from the literature of 2015
Andrew Bacon (Southern California), “Stalnaker’s Thesis in Context,” from the Review of Symbolic Logic
John Bengson (Wisconsin), "The Intellectual Given," from Mind
Chiara Cordelli (U Chicago, Poli Sci), “Justice as Fairness and Relational Resources,” from the Journal of Political Philosophy
Kenny Easwaran (Texas A&M), “Dr. Truthlove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Bayesian Probabilities,” from Noûs
Marko Malink (NYU), “The Beginnings of Formal Logic: Deduction in Aristotle’s Topics vs. Prior Analytics,” from Phronesis
Victoria McGeer (Princeton/ANU), “Mind-Making Practices: The Social Infrastructure of Self-Knowing Agency and Responsibility,” from Philosophical Explorations
James Messina (Wisconsin), “Conceptual Analysis and the Essence of Space: Kant’s Metaphysical Exposition Revisited,” from the Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie
Jeffrey Sanford Russell (Southern California), John Hawthorne (Southern California), & Lara Buchak (Berkeley), “Groupthink,” from Philosophical Studies
Charles Sebens (UC San Diego), “Quantum Mechanics as Classical Physics,” from Philosophy of Science
Titelbaum, Michael G. (Wisconsin), “Rationality’s Fixed Point (or: In Defense of Right Reason),” from Tamar Szabó Gendler & John Hawthorne, eds., Oxford Studies in Epistemology, vol. 5
These will be posted shortly with links and a general introduction at Our thanks to the Nominating Editors for a wonderful set of initial nominations and for extremely useful survey input and comments.
We hope that you will join us as a nominating editor again next year, and that you will be keeping your eye out for excellent work in the literature of 2016 in the meantime.
With all the best,
Patrick Grim
Boris Babic
Mara Bollard
Patrick Shirreff
Nominating Editors: Alia Al-Saji, Rachel Barney, JC Beall, Ned Block, Ben Bradley, Tyler Burge, Victor Caston, David Chalmers, Andrew Chignell, David Christensen, Gregory Currie, Ann Cudd, David Danks, Keith DeRose, Cian Dorr, Lisa Downing, Julia Driver, Adam Elga, Branden Fitelson, Owen Flanagan, Alan Hajek, Ned Hall, Elizabeth Harman, Verity Harte, Gary Hatfield, Benj Hellie, Christopher Hitchcock, Des Hogan, Brad Inwood, Simon Keller, Tom Kelly, Joshua Knobe, Niko Kolodny, Jennifer Lackey, Marc Lange, Brian Leiter, Neil Levy, Martin Lin, Peter Ludlow, Jeff McMahan, Shaun Nichols, Paul Noordhof, Derk Pereboom, Jim Pryor, Greg Restall, Geoffrey Sayre-McCord, Richard Scheines, Mark Schroeder, Laura Schroeter, Ted Sider, Michael Slote, Scott Soames, Roy Sorensen, Peter Spirtes, Johan van Benthem, Mark van Roojen, Peter B. M. Vranas, Ted Warfield, Eric Watkins, Sam Wheeler, Jim Woodward, Gideon Yaffe
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