Every now and then, wading through the metablog pays off. I won't link, since whenever I do, it turns out that somewhere on the thread is something defamatory or otherwise outrageous (or something like that will soon appear after linking). But occasionally in reading the metablog, I do stumble on something very funny (I wish there were less ranting and raving about women and the job market, and more of the funny stuff!).
This particular metablog moment starts with reactions to this post. A note regarding terminology: on metablog, Jonathan Ichikawa is referred to, apparently, as "Itchy" and his spouse, Carrie Jenkins, as "Scratchy." Here's the highlights of the dialogue prompted by my post:
Anonymous: Surely the only way a rich woman can heal from torture by The Chicago Grinch is by purchasing a scooter.
Reply #1: or it [the e-mail about the scooter] had nothing to do with it at all, because it’s normal to send some emails that are about other topics even when something serious has happened? for fucks sake, this is ridiculous.
Reply to #1: Your trivializing this trauma is both inappropriate and problematic. This rich English lady was Grinched; she suffers Post-Grinchomatic Stress Disorder, and needs a scooter to recover.
Another Reply to #1: “something serious has happened”? She got a cranky e-mail? “for fucks sake, THAT is ridiculous”
Reply to Another Reply to #1: Look, Scratchy suffers trauma from the cranky email. And needs a scooter to recover. Who wouldn’t? Also, the cranky email was inappropriate and problematic. Horrific, even worse than losing one’s tiara.
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