Following a suggestion after the last poll, I've changed the question from "most important" to 'best" (in your judgment). Only Anglophone philosophers; among those who are still living, only those age 50 or older in 2016 are included. Have fun!
TWO NOTES: Alas, an omission already flagged for me: Dennis Stampe. In addition, while the description of the poll, above, is accurate, on the poll itself, it sounds as if the poll only includes living philosophers over 50, which it obviously does not!
ANOTHER: Thony Gillies (Rutgers) points out another unfortunate omission, namely the Dutch philosophers/linguists/logicians Frank Veltman, Jeroen Groenendijk, and Martin Stokhof, whose work is in English. Alas.
AND EVEN WORSE I got Hans Kamp on the list but forgot Richard Montague! Well, folks can "discuss" that omission when the results are in. I guess he might have made the "top 20," but I'm not enough of an insider to know.
AND SOME MORE NAMES: Max Cresswell, Irene Heim, Terence Parsons, Richard Heck (I had thought Heck was not over 50, but am told that is wrong).
AND: Jeff King (Rutgers) should have been on the list. Another important philosopher of language betrayed by his youthful looks (turns out he is over 50).
TWO MORE: Philosopher Jeff Helmreich (UC Irvine) mentions Robert Harnish (late of University of Arizona) and Howard Wettstein (UC Riverside). I'm particularly embarrassed about Wettstein, whom I know and like very much--but I'd forgotten he began his career as a major contributor to debates about theories of direct reference.
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