As the second ad from the top on the right sidebar notes, to celebrate ten years of books in the series, Routledge is offering a 10% discount on all volumes (code RPS15). Steven Fesmire's Dewey was recently named a Choice outstanding academic title for 2015. Other recent volumes have included Kenneth Baynes on Habermas, Albert Atkin on Peirce, Don Garrett on Hume, and the second edition of Jonathan Lear's volume on Freud. (2nd editions of Kant by Paul Guyer, Husserl by David Woodruff Smith, and Aristotle by Christopher Shields have appeared in prior years.)
Plato by Constance Meinwald is forthcoming soon; other volumes in preparation include Maudemarie Clark on Nietzsche, Chike Jeffers on Du Bois, Candace Vogler on Anscombe, Paul Muench on Kierkegaard, and Samantha Matherne on Cassirer, among others. Check it out while the sale lasts (until February 29, 2016)!
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