Details here. They seem to have a strong interest in Chinese philosophy in particular, though there are plenty of fairly conventional Anglophone philosophers represented as well. I suppose the million dollar prize is going to take on the appearance of a "Nobel" in philosophy, though it will depend on how it goes to.
Comments are open for those who know more about Beggruen and what the goals are etc.
(Thanks to Chin Leong Teoh for the pointer.)
ADDENDUM: Here's the philosophy prize "jury":
Berggruen Philosophy Prize Jury
- Kwame Anthony Appiah – Professor of Philosophy at New York University
- Leszek Borysiewicz – Vice-Chancellor of the University of Cambridge
- Antonio Damasio –Director, Brain and Creativity Institute at the University of Southern California
- Amy Gutmann – President of the University of Pennsylvania
- Amartya Sen – Nobel Laureate, Thomas W. Lamont University Professor, Professor of Economics and Philosophy at Harvard University
- Alison Simmons – Samuel H. Wolcott Professor of Philosophy and Harvard College Professor at Harvard University
- Michael Spence – Nobel Laureate, William R. Berkley Professor in Economics & Business at New York University, Philip H. Knight Professor Emeritus of Management in the Graduate School of Business at Stanford University
- Wang Hui – Professor in the Department of Chinese Language and Literature and the Department of History at Tsinghua University, Director of the Tsinghua Institute for Advanced Study in Humanities and Social Sciences
- George Yeo – Chancellor of Nalanda University and former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Singapore