Authors and/or publishers kindly sent me these new books in April:
Foragers, Farmers, and Fossil Fuels: How Human Values Evolve by Ian Morris (Princeton University Press, 2015) (with replies from Richard Seaford, Jonathan Spence, Christine Korsgaard, Margaret Atwood).
Plotinus: Ennead IV.3-4.29: Problems Concern the Soul translated, introduced and with commentary by John M. Dillon & H.J. Blumenthal (Parmenides Publishing, 2015).
Pagans and Philosophers: The Problem of Paganism from Augustine to Leibniz by John Marenbon (Princeton University Press, 2015).
The Enlightenment: History of an Idea by Vincenzo Ferrone (Princeton University Press, 2015) [original in Italian, 2010]
Rawls's Political Liberalism edited by Thom Brooks and Martha C. Nussbaum (Columbia University Press, 2015).
Nietzsche versus Paul by Abed Azzam (Columbia University Press, 2015).
Human Nature & Jewish Thought: Judaism's Case for Why Persons Matter by Alan L. Mittleman (Princeton University Press, 2015).
Freedom and the Self: Essays on the Philosophy of David Foster Wallace edited by Steven M. Cahn and Maureen Eckert (Columbia University Press, 2015).
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