Over 600 philosophers have signed it, and about a hundred of those have also signed a petition to boycott all rankings. But of the the signatories, only about 55 of them are actually among those nominated as evaluators for the current PGR (the spread sheet has about 560 nominees). I do not begrudge anyone for signing; given the dramatic misrepresentation of what transpired, I would have signed too if presented the narrative that way. I will note that nearly half the members of the University of British Columbia Department did not sign, despite a departmental meeting being called for that purpose. This, by itself, ought to alert signatories to the fact that there is a lot more to the story. I expect it will come out in time. And hopefully some signatories will think better of it in time as well, especially if the Board and I are successful in coming up with a plan for the future in which I step down as editor after the 2014 PGR. We have made considerable progress the last few days.
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