Folllowing up on last week, the Advisory Board and I have agreed on the following statement regarding the plan for the PGR:
The 2014-15 PGR will proceed as planned, with Berit Brogaard joining Brian Leiter as co-editor and taking over responsibility for the surveys and the compilation of results, with assistance as needed from Brian and the Advisory Board. At the conclusion of the 2014-15 PGR, Brian will step down as an editor of the PGR and join the Advisory Board. Berit will take over as editor until such time as a co-editor can be appointed to assist with future iterations of the report. After 2014, Berit will have ultimate decision-making authority over the PGR. Upon completion of the 2014-15 PGR, Berit will appoint a small advisory transition committee that she will consult on possible improvement, both substantive and operational, in the PGR going forward.
Of the 50 members of the Advisory Board, 45 voted in favor of this plan, none voted against, and 2 Board members abstained (believing, as I understand it, that I should not have agreed to step down, or not in these circumstances). I supported it as well and made that clear prior to the vote. Three Board members were simply not on e-mail in recent days. (Five Board members resigned over the past two weeks, some because of the controversy, and some because of unrelated concerns about the PGR methodology. I thanked each of them for their help and service.) The current members of the Advisory Board are Rachel Barney, Cristina Bicchieri, Ned Block, Christopher Bobonich, Berit Brogaard, John Carriero, David Chalmers, Justin D'Arms, David Davies, John Deigh, Keith DeRose, Lisa Downing, Julia Driver, Delia Graff Fara, John Martin Fischer, Graeme Forbes, Michael Forster, John Gardner, Don Garrett, Alvin Goldman, Anil Gupta, Christopher Hitchcock, John Horty, Shelly Kagan, Pierre Keller, Michelle Kosch, Scott MacDonald, Edouard Machery, Cheryl Misak, Calvin Normore, Laurie Paul, Peter Poellner, Greg Restall, Michael Rosen, Alexander Rosenberg, Jonathan Schaffer, David Schmidtz, Christopher Shields, Susanna Siegel, Brian Skyrms, Ernest Sosa, Jason Stanley, Stephen Stich, Iain Thomson, Bryan van Norden, Katja Vogt, Ted Warfield, Michael Weisberg, Timothy Williamson, Allen Wood. (Changes in the composition of the Board were announced earlier in the summer here.)
We have always observed the rule that Board discussions are confidential, but I want to thank the Board for finding a constructive resolution, one that involved compromises on many sides, not only mine.
What follows are now my own reflections on recent events and an explanation of my reasons for endorsing this plan of action. I speak here for myself, obviously, and no one else.
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