So with not quite 2,000 votes, 9% of readers thought feminist philosophy a "central, foundational part of the discipline," while another 20% deemed it a "major area of research," and a further 26% thought it "useful when integrated wiht traditional philosophical questioins in epistemology, ethics, political philosophy, etc."--so 55% of readers chose the most favorable options. Another 15% thought it a "minor area of research," while 30% chose the most dismissive option, making feminist philosophy better liked than X-Phil, but almost as disliked as metaphysics. It's worth noting that more than two-thirds of the readership recognized feminist philosophy as a legitimate area of research in our discipline, something I doubt would have been true in a similar, and more representative, poll 15 or 20 years ago.
Up next: some subsets of the history of philosophy, which we polled as a broad category early on.
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