They seem to like it more than metaphysics! With over 2000 votes cast, 55% said "history of philosophy is philosophy," being a "central, foundational part of the discipline," with another 25% deeming it an "important area of research"--so fully 80% chose the most positive options. Another 12% thought it "useful" if it contributes to "contemporary research," while 6% thought it a "minor area of research." A mere 2% chose the most hostile option: "just say 'no' to the history of philosophy" (compare that to the 20% who chose the most hostile option for metaphysics). I confess I wouldn't have predicted these results, but this suggests suppositions some readers make about who reads this blog (or about Anglophone philosophers) are misplaced.
History of philosophy is philosophy: it is a central, foundational part of the discipline.
History of philosophy is an important area of research.
Useful when it contributes to research in contemporary areas.
A minor area, but worth pursuing.
Just say "no" to the history of philosophy!
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