IHE has details on History and other academic job markets. I've never understood why the APA doesn't collect this data in as timely a way.
ADDENDUM: This chart, showing the number of jobs in a sub-field and the number of new PhDs in that sub-field is striking:
Entry-Level History Positions vs. Specialties of New Ph.D.s
Field | Number of Openings | Number of New Ph.D.s |
North America | 199 | 441 |
Europe | 129 | 187 |
Asia | 110 | 73 |
Latin America | 51 | 64 |
Middle East | 41 | 60 |
Africa | 40 | 38 |
Is there any sub-field of philosophy where there are more jobs than new PhDs? I'm skeptical there is, but invite data from readers in the comments.