MOVING TO FRONT FROM OCT. 13--a couple more minor corrections.
These are the major changes at the (primarily) tenured faculty level since the fall 2011 surveys for programs ranked then or in 2009. I've generally omitted short-term part-time appointments. I try to always list areas of specialty under the appointing school's entry (sometimes under the school that lost the faculty member as well.) The list of tenurings since fall 2011 is probably incomplete, and I welcome corrections and additions. Just about all these changes can be expected to affect the specialty rankings, and some, due to their significance and/or number, might affect the overall results; I speculate at the end about that.
Australian National University: Appointed Victoria McGeer (philosophy of mind & cognitive science, moral psychology) and Philip Pettit (ethics, political philosophy, philosophy of mind & social science) half-time from Princeton. David Chalmers (philosophy of mind & language, metaphysics) has accepted a tenured appointment at NYU, but continues to be part-time at the ANU (details to be determined going forward).
Birkbeck College, University of London: Appointed Hallvard Lillehammer (ethics, political philosophy) from Cambridge. Lost Miranda Fricker (epistemology, ethics, feminist philosophy) to Sheffield and Ian Rumfitt (philosophy of language) to Birmingham.
Boston University: Jaakko Hintikka (logic, philosophy of language, logic, math & science) and Victor Kestenbaum (American philosophy) are retiring. Krzysztof Michalski (who was part-time) passed away.
Brown University: Appointed Paul Guyer (Kant, aesthetics) from Penn. Lost Richard Heck (philosophy of language, math & logic, history of analytic philosohy) to Rutgers and will lose Jaegwon Kim (metaphysics, philosophy of mind) to retirement at the end of this academic year. Joshua Schechter (epistemology) was tenured.
Cambridge University: Appointed Richard Holton (philosophy of action, ethics, philosophy of law) and Rae Langton (Kant, ethics, feminist philosophy) from MIT. Lost Fraser MacBride to Glasgow and Hallavard Lillehammer to Birkbeck.
City University of New York Graduate Center: Lost Alva Noe (philosophy of mind & cognitive science) back to Berkeley.
Cornell University: Lost Matti Eklund (metaphysics) to Uppsala. Nicholas Sturgeon (ethics) retired. Richard Boyd (philosophy of science, metaphysics) and Gail Fine (ancient philosophy) are on phased retirement. Nicholas Silins (epistemology, philosophy of mind) was tenured.
Duke University: Fred Dretske (epistemology, philosophy of mind), a part-time Research Professor, passed away. Peter van Inwagen (metaphysics, philosophy of religion) from Notre Dame will teach one graduate seminar each Spring for at the least the next three years.
Georgetown University: Patrick Heelan (phenomenology) retired. Bryce Huebner (philosophy of cognitive science, social science & mind) was tenured.
Harvard University: Appointed (jointly with Mathematics) W. Hugh Woodin (set theory, mathematical logic) from Berkeley. Jeffrey McDonough (early modern philosophy) and Bernhard Nickel (philosophy of language, also science & mind) were tenured.
Indiana University, Bloomington: Marcia Baron (ethics, Kant, philosophy of law) has accepted the Professorship in Moral Philosophy at St. Andrews, part-time to start, and full-time as of January 2014. Lost Karen Hanson (aesthetics, ethics, philosophy of mind) to Minnesota, where she is now Provost. Kate Abramson (Hume, ethics, early modern philosophy) was tenured.
King's College, London: Appointed Bill Brewer (metaphysics, epistemology, philosophy of mind) from Warwick and Nick Shea (philosophy of psychology, cognitive science, & mind) from Oxford.
London School of Economics: Appointed Michael Otsuka (political philosophy, ethics) from University College London. Lost Nancy Cartwright (philosophy of science) to Durham.
Massachussetts Institute of Technology: Appointed Kieran Setiya (ethics, epistemology) from Pittsburgh. Lost Richard Holton (philosophy of action, ethics, philosophy of law) and Rae Langton (Kant, ethics, feminist philosophy) to Cambridge University. Robert Stalnaker (philosophy of languagee, mind & logic) is on phased retirement, ending in 2016 (and visiting half the year at Columbia).
New York University: Appointed David Chalmers (philosophy of mind, language & cognitive science) from the ANU (though Chalmers continues to spend some time at ANU), Cian Dorr (metaphysics) from Oxford, and Jessica Moss (ancient philosophy) from Oxford. Robert Hopkins (aesthetics, philosophy of mind, Nietzsche) from Sheffield is currently visiting and has a permanent offer. Thomas Nagel (moral & political philosophy, philosophy of mind) has retired. Ronald Dworkin (political & legal philosophy), whose primary appointment was in the Law School, passed away.
Ohio State University: Appointed Chris Pincock (philosophy of math and science, history of analytic philosophy) from the University of Missouri, Columbia. Declan Smithies (epistemology, philosophy of mind) was tenured.
Oxford University: Appointed Susanne Bobzien (ancient, philosophy of language) from Yale, Karen Nielsen (ancient) from Western Ontario, Ian Phillips (philosophy of mind) from UCL, and Tom Porter (political philosophy) from Manchester. Lost Tim Bayne (philosophy of mind) to Manchester; Krister Bykvist (ethics) and Anandi Hattiangadi (philosophy of mind & language, metaphysics, epistemology), both to Stockholm; Cian Dorr (metaphysics) and Jessica Moss (ancient), both to NYU; Antony Eagle (metaphysics, epistemology, philosophy of science & probability) to Adelaide; and Scott Sturgeon (epistemology) to Birmingham. David Charles (ancient) will leave for Yale in 2014 and John Hawthorne (metaphysics, epistemology) will leave for Southern California in 2015. Daniel Isaacson (philosophy of math, logic) retired.
Princeton University: Lost part-time faculty member John Hawthorne (metaphysics, epistemology) to Southern California. Victoria McGeer (philosophy of mind & cognitive science, moral psychology) and Philip Pettit (ethics, political philosophy, philosophy of mind & social science) will now be half-time at Princeton and half-time at the ANU. Sarah-Jane Leslie (philosophy of language) was tenured (and promoted to full professor at the same time!).
Rutgers University, New Brunswick: Appointed Elisabeth Camp (philosophy of language and mind, aesthetics) from Penn, Richard Heck (philosophy of language, math & logic; history of analytic philosophy) from Brown, and Peter Ludlow (philosophy of language, mind & cognitive science) from Northwestern. Lost Jason Stanley (philosophy of language, epistemology) to Yale.
Saint Louis University: Appointed Jason Turner (metaphysics) from Leeds.
Syracuse University: Appointed Janice Dowell (philosophy of language & mind, metaphysics, metaethics) and David Sobel (ethics, political philosophy), both from Nebraska.
University College London: Appointed Daniel Rothschild (philosophy of language) from a post-doc at Oxford (he was previously tenure-track at Columbia). Lost Michael Otsuka (political philosophy, ethics) to LSE and Ian Phillips (philosophy of mind) to Oxford.
University of Aberdeen: Appointed Beth Lord (history of modern philosophy) from Dundee. Aberdeen has also added several part-time Professorial Fellows. Lost Catherine Wilson to York.
University of Alberta: Appointed Katherin Koslicki (metaphysics, philosophy of language, ancient) from Colorado and Jack Zupko (medieval, metaphysics, philosophy of religion) from Winnipeg.
University of Birmingham: Appointed Ian Rumfitt (philosophy of language) from Birkbeck College, University of London and Scott Sturgeon (epistemology) from Oxford, as well as a number of prominent part-time visitors. Lost Helen Beebee (metaphysics) to Manchester, Alex Miller (philosophy of language, metaethics) to Otago, and Tom Sorell (ethics, applied ethics) to the Politics Department at Warwick.
University of British Columbia: Appointed Evan Thompson (philosophy of mind & cognitive science) from Toronto. Roberta Ballarin (metaphysics, philosophy of language & mind) and Matt Bedke (ethics, metaethics, political and legal philosophy) were both tenured.
University of Calgary: Appointed C. Kenneth Waters (philosophy of biology) from Minnesota.
University of California, Berkeley: Appointed Alva Noe (philosophy of mind & cognitive science) back from CUNY (after just a year away). Appointed Kwong-Loi Shun (Chinese philosophy) to a half-time position, beginning Spring 2014. Seth Yalcin (philosophy of language) was tenured.
University of California, Los Angeles: Joseph Almog and Terence Parsons (both philosophy of language) have both taken emeritus status.
University of Chicago: Lost Michael Forster (Kant, 19th-century German philosophy, ancient philosophy, philosophy of language, epistemology) to a Humboldt Professorship at Bonn (though Forster is still roughly quarter-time at Chicago, teaching most of each Winter Quarter). Tenured Kevin Davey (philosophy of physics) and Marko Malink (ancient philosophy).
University of Cincinnati: Appointed Tony Chemero (philosophy of cognitive science, mind & science) from Franklin & Marshall College and Heidi Maibom (philosophy of mind, psychology & cognitive science; moral psychology) from Carleton College. Angela Potochnik (philosophy of science, esp. biology) was tenured. In addition, Valerie Hardcastle (philosophy of mind & cognitive science) has left her administrative position and returned to full-time teaching and research (she is half in Philosophy, half in Psychology).
University of Colorado, Boulder: Lost Katherin Koslicki to Alberta. Chris Heathwood (ethics) was tenured.
University of Connecticut, Storrs: Appointed Dorit Bar-On (philosophy of language & mind, metaethics) and Keith Simmons (philosophy of language & logic), both from North Carolina; also appointed Lewis Gordon (Africana philosophy, phenomenology, existentialism) from Temple, Mitchell Green (philosophy of language & mind) from Virginia, and Susan Schneider (philosophy of mind & cognitive science, metaphysics) from a tenure-track position at Penn.
University of Durham: Appointed (half-time) Nancy Cartwright (philosophy of the sciences) from LSE (Cartwright continues to teach at UCSD as well). Also appointed Julian Reiss (philosophy of science & social science) from Erasmus. The Law School appointed Thom Brooks (political and legal philosophy) from Newcastle. Lost Nick Zangwill (ethics, metaethics, aesthetics) to Hull.
University of Edinburgh: Appointed Michela Massimi (history & philosophy of science, Kant) from the Department of Science & Technology Studies at UCL. Lost Campbell Brown (ethics) to Glasgow and Matthew Nudds (mind) to Warwick. (Edinburgh also has some short-term senior appointments and many junior appointments as well.)
University of Glasgow: Appointed Campbell Brown (ethics) from Edinburgh and Fraser MacBride (metaphysics, philosophy of math, history of analytic) from Cambridge.
University of Illinois, Chicago: Walter Edelberg (philosophy of language & logic) and Neal Grossman (early modern philosophy) both retired.
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign: Appointed Andrew Arana (logic, philosophy of mathematics) from Kansas State University and Colleen Murphy (political philosophy, applied ethics) from Texas A&M. Robert Cummins (philosophy of mind and cognitive science) retired. Tenured Kirk Sanders (ancient philosophy), Helga Varden (moral, political & legal philosophy, esp. Kant; feminist philosophy), and Jonathan Waskan (philosophy of cognitive science).
University of Leeds: Appointed Matthew Smith (etihcs, political) from a tenure-track position at Yale. Lost Jason Turner (metaphysics) to Saint Louis.
University of Miami: Colin McGinn (philosophy of mind & language) will resign at the end of 2013.
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor: Appointed (roughly .20 time) Timothy Williamson (philosophy of language & logic, epistemology, metaphysics) from Oxford. Kendall Walton (aesthetics) retired. Lost Matt Evans (ancient philosophy, ethics) to Texas. David Manley, Sarah Moss, and Eric Swanson were all tenured--they all work in various aspects of metaphysics, epistemology, and philosophy of language.
University of Minnesota, Twin Cities: Appointed Karen Hanson (aesthetics, ethics, philosophy of mind) as Provost and Professor of Philosophy, from Indiana. Lost C. Kenneth Waters (philosophy of biology) to a Canada Research Chair at Calgary.
University of Nebraska, Lincoln: Lost Janice Dowell (philosophy of language & mind, metaphysics, metaethics) and David Sobel (ethics, political philosophy), both to Syracuse
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill: Lost Dorit Bar-On and Keith Simmons to Connecticut. Marilyn Adams (medieval, philosophy of religion) and Robert Adams (metaphysics, ethics, philosophy of religion, early modern philosophy) both retired. Matthew Kotzen (epistemology, philosophy of science) was tenured.
University of Notre Dame: Lost Marian David (philosophy of language, epistemology, history of analytic) to Graz. Peter van Inwagen is only teaching fall semesters for at least the next three years.
University of Nottingham: Lost Gregory Currie (aesthetics) to York.
Universiy of Otago: Appointed Alex Miller (philosophy of language, metaethics) from Birmingham, and Elisabeth Ellis (Kant, political philosophy) and Michael LeBuffe (early modern philosophy), both from Texas A&M University. Lost Peter Anstey (early modern) to Sydney.
University of Pennsylvania: Lost Elisabeth Camp (philosophy of language & mind, aesthetics) to Rutgers and Paul Guyer (Kant, aesthetics) to Brown; Charles Kahn (ancient philosophy) retired. Tenured Adrienne Martin (ethics).
University of Pittsburgh: Appointed to a tenure-track position Japa Pallikkathayil (ethics, political) from NYU. Lost James Allen (ancient philosophy) to Toronto and Kieran Setiya (ethics, epistemology) to MIT.
University of Reading: Appointed Gabriel Segal (philosophy of mind, psychology, language & linguistics) from King's College, London to a half-time post. Lost Bart Streumer (metaethics) to Groningen and Galen Strawson to Texas.
University of Sheffield: Appointed Miranda Fricker (epistemology, ethics, feminist philosophy) from Birkbeck.
University of South Florida: Appointed Lee Braver (Continental philosophy, metaphysics, Wittgenstein) from Hiram College.
University of Southern California: Appointed John Hawthorne (metaphysics, epistemology) to a roughly one-third time position from Oxford University, which will become full-time in 2015. Also appointed (full-time) Jonathan Quong (political philosophy) from Manchester. Lost Gideon Yaffe (philosophy of action, philosophy of criminal law, early modern philosophy) to Yale. George Wilson (philosophy of action, philosophy of film) retired.
University of St. Andrews: Appointed Marcia Baron (ethics, Kant, philosophy of law) from Indiana/Bloomington, full-time starting January 2014.
University of Sydney: Appointed Peter Anstey (early modern philosophy) from Otago.
University of Texas, Austin: Appointed Galen Strawson (philosophy of mind and action, metaphysics, early modern philosophy, Nietzsche) from Reading and Michelle Montague (metaphysics) from Bristol. Also appointed Matt Evans (ancient philosophy, ethics) from Michigan. Adam Pautz (philosophy of mind) was tenured. Nicholas Asher (philosophy of language) is no longer part-time at Texas (he is now full-time in France).
University of Toronto: Appointed James Allen (ancient philosophy) from Pittsburgh. Lost Evan Thompson (philosophy of mind & cognitive science) to British Columbia.
University of Warwick: Appointed Matthew Nudds (philosophy of mind) from Edinburgh. Lost Bill Brewer to King's College, London. Politics appointed Tom Sorell (ethics, applied ethics) from Birmingham.
University of Washington, Seattle: Laurence BonJour (epistemology) has retired. John Manchak (philosophy of physics) was tenured.
University of Western Ontario: Appointed Stathis Psillos (philosophy of science, metaphysics) from Athens to the Rotman Canada Research Chair. Also appointed Carl Hoefer (philosophy of science & physics) and Genoveva Marti (philosophy of language), both from Barcelona. Lost Karen Nielsen (ancient) to Oxford.
University of York: Appointed Gregory Currie (aesthetics) from Nottingham and Catherine Wilson (early modern philosophy, ethics) from Aberdeen.
Washington University, St. Louis: Appointed Anya Plutynski (history and philosophy of science, esp. biology) from Utah.
Yale University: Appointed David Charles (ancient philosophy) from Oxford (effective July 2014) and Jason Stanley (philosophy of language, epistemology) from Rutgers. The Law School hired Gideon Yaffe (philosphy of action, philosophy of criminal law, early modern philosophy) from Southern California, who has a secondary appointment in philosophy. George Bealer (metaphysics) will retire in 2014; Susanne Bobzien (ancient philosophy, philosophy of language) left for Oxford; and Jules Coleman (philosophy of law), with a primary appointment in the Law School, left for a senior administrative position at NYU.
Now some speculations about how these moves will affect the "overall" rankings from 2011. I'd expect to see noticeable bumps up for Berekeley, British Columbia, Western Ontario, Texas, Otago, Southern California, Connecticut, Durham, Cincinnati, Birmingham, Cambridge, Syracuse, York, and Glasgow, among others. I'd expect to see noticeable bumps down for Reading, MIT, Nebraska, Indiana, Penn, BU, and Cornell, among others. But I think in each case it's more relevant for the students to focus on the areas of specialty of the faculty appointed and lost. Bear in mind, too, that many of the schools that suffered significant losses, like MIT and Penn, will likely be making new appointments this year.
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