You can watch the proceedings live here, unless the Board votes to close the meeting, which it could do.
(Thanks to Matt King for the pointer.)
UPDATE: So Sullivan is reinstated as President, and Rector Dragas voted with a unanimous Board to reinstate her--so it's clear they got the Governor's message! The Board also voiced its support for Rector Dragas, a predictable move given her need to reverse course. The endless talk about "integrity" was a bit nauseating: integrity requires more than not taking bribes, it means excercising considered judgment, and there was a failure to do so by Dragas and others that can't be covered up by saying "she meant well." Dragas did have a funny line about the e-mail she's getting, so I'll give her credit for that! (Briefly, but my recollection probably isn't as good as the original: she was using some garden metaphors to describe supportive e-mails she had received, and then added, "But I also had a good deal of fertilizer in my in-box.")
The other remaining unknown is whether the Governor reappoints Dragas--we'll know in a few days.
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