They've now posted the letter from some faculty at Oregon defending the department--the letter we discussed here and that was demolished in the comments here. But those latter comments aren't in evidence needless to say at the fake "Pluralist" Guide site. (And, of course, Oregon is still "strongly recommended" for its "Climate for Women.")
I do hope the philosophers who have been busy playing "Obama" to Linda Alcoff et al.'s "Republicans" in this "Climate for Women" controversy are going to finally wake up to what's going on here. One side is interested in being reasonable and responsible, and the other side, quite plainly, is not.
ADDENDUM: If you're a latecomer to this fake "Pluralist" Guide business, you can get caught up with these posts from the summer: first, second, third, fourth. Since there is nothing objectionable about SPEP and SAAP philosophers publishing their recommendations of programs in their fields, it really is mysterious that they didn't just remove the "Climate for Women" misinformation right away.
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