MOVING TO FRONT FROM FRIDAY, OCTOBER 8: This appeared in the evening, a low traffic time, and it would be a shame if readers missed this.
Anne Jacobson (Houston) (in comments) and Kristen Irwin (Biola) (in e-mail) have both flagged for me a new blog that collects accounts by women of their experiences in academic philosophy. It makes for gripping reading, and more than one of the stories posted so far matches incidents I have heard about from students and colleagues elsewhere. Hopefully once even more stories are recorded, someone or some organization (maybe the APA?) will undertake a systematic survey to find out how widespread such misconduct is using some of the recurring "types" of malfeasance recorded here as a benchmark. In conjunction, it would be interesting to know how much of this kind of misconduct ever results in disciplinary action. I know from bitter experience at another university with a department that had a serious sexual harassment problem (including one incident of sexual harassment far worse than anything on the current blog) that male colleagues can be quick to turn a blind eye, and administrators can be slow to act, often because of concern about legal repercussions. Deans and Provosts should, perhaps, be invited to peruse the new blog.
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