Not philosophy of rock 'n' roll, but philosophical themes and topics set to music, courtesy of some former U Mass philosophy grad students: Ben Bradley (Syracuse), Carrie Jenkins (Nottingham), and Kris McDaniel (Syracuse).
(Thanks to John Martin Fischer for the pointer.)
UPDATE: Reader Jonathan Phillips writes:
I really enjoyed your latest post on philosophy rock 'n' roll. While a number of the songs were impressive, I was especially stuck by Carrie Jenkins's nuanced critique of experimental philosophy in A Priori:
'Don't need no fucking survey... just need my blessed concepts'
Upon hearing it, I thought that it could only be rivaled by the opening remarks in Alina Simone's x-phi anthem:
'They told me it was wrong, but they could never show me why...'
Anyway, I thought some of your readers might also find the subtle conceptual distinctions intriguing. Either way, though, it seems the song would make a great addition to the recent philosophical soundtrack.
I guess it could turn out that rock 'n' roll is not the right medium for good philosophy.
CORRECTIONS: Carrie Jenkins (Nottingham) writes:
Thanks for your link to the 21st Century Monads page from your blog!
A couple of corrections: I wasn’t at U Mass; I got my PhD from Cambridge (UK). And the lyric is ‘Just need my basic concepts’, not ‘blessed concepts’.
(And, of course, that lyric is not supposed to convince anyone that I don’t need surveys to learn conceptual truths: that’s what my book is for! /Grounding Concepts/, 2008, OUP, all good booksellers etc..)
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