Per the new policy, Calvin's ad is the first to appear marked for failure to comply. Several philosophers have now drafted a letter which will be sent to the Proceedings of the APA and other venues. If you would like to add your name as a signatory, please e-mail Professor Lance at Georgetown. The letter and contact information for Calvin College follow:
Response to Calvin College’s Rejection of APA Statement on Non-discrimination
We, the undersigned, note with concern Calvin College’s decision to reject the APA’s clarification of its non-discrimination statement to include “gender identification”. In doing so, Calvin College enjoys the dubious honor of being the first institution identified by the APA in its new policy of flagging those institutions that refuse to honor the non-discrimination statement.
One might puzzle over a form of Christianity that is committed to the inequality of people, and in particular of job applicants for positions in philosophy. More disturbing, however, is the stigma Calvin College feels entitled to place upon those who are doubly exposed: as lesbians, gays, bisexuals or transgendered in a society that has yet to accept them, and as people seeking jobs during difficult economic times.
Obtaining academic positions in philosophy is never an easy task; doing so in the face of the current economic climate is nothing less than traumatic. That Calvin College would engage in a most egregious form of discrimination under these circumstances strikes us as not only deplorable but indeed as displaying a lack of basic human concern.
We live in a world in which it is legal in most states to fire someone simply for being, or appearing to be, gay or lesbian; in which sexual minorities are denied visitation rights to dying life-partners; and in which loving, same-sex couples are denied the right to adopt. In this environment, the decision by Calvin College to align itself with those who seek to deny human dignity and equality to their fellow citizens and our fellow philosophers is an injury that we must resist.
We urge all those in the philosophical community, regardless of their sexual or gender identification, to write to Calvin College, see below, to express their dismay at this lack of decency, and, if so moved, to contribute to the groups listed in the Grand Rapids LGBT network.
It is imperative for us, as philosophers, coming as we do from a tradition that seeks to understand and promote truth and justice, to resist those who would betray both the most significant values of our profession and the most vulnerable members of it.
Todd May, Clemson University
Mark Lance, Georgetown University
Gary Jaeger, Vanderbilt University
Matthew Burstein, University of Pittsburgh, Johnstown
Andrew Wible, Muskegon Community College
Alastair Norcross, University of Colorado, Boulder
Gualtiero Piccininini, University of Missouri, St Louis
Bryce Huebner, Georgetown University
James Mattingly, Georgetown University
Rachel Briggs, Sydney University
Charles Hermes , University of Texas, Arlington
Contact information:
Calvin College
Office of the President
3201 Burton Street, SE
Grand Rapids, MI
(616) 526-6100
(616) 526-6577 Fax
Department of Philosophy
1845 Knollcrest Circle SE
Grand Rapids, MI 49546
Phone: 616.526.6488
Fax: 616.526.8505
Del Ratzsch
Professor, Department Chair
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