Steve Stich (Rutgers) asked me to share this interesting new bit of experimental philosophy with readers:
Dear Colleagues,
In collaboration with Joe Henrich and Taylor Davis at the University of British Columbia, I’m conducting a study on philosophers’ views about normative judgments. Joe, Taylor and I would be very grateful if you would participate in our study.
Participation should take 30 minutes or less, and it involves responding to a 20-item questionnaire. In developing the questionnaire, we found that many respondents find consideration of the issues involved interesting and engaging. The research has been approved by UBC’s Behavioral Research Ethics Board and is open to all faculty and graduate students in philosophy.
Here's a link to the questionnaire.
We encourage you to forward this notice to other philosophers you think might be interested. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me or Taylor Davis.
Many thanks for whatever assistance you can provide.
With best wishes,
Stephen Stich
Board of Governors Professor of Philosophy & Cognitive Science Rutgers University
Joe Henrich
Canada Research Chair in Culture, Cognition & Evolution, Departments of Psychology & Economics, University of British Columbia
Taylor Davis
Department of Philosophy, University of British Columbia
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